2.7.2 Implicit Casts

Unlike classes, abstracts allow defining implicit casts. There are two kinds of implicit casts:

  • Direct: Allows direct casting of the abstract type to or from another type. This is defined by adding to and from rules to the abstract type and is only allowed for types which unify with the underlying type of the abstract.
  • Class field: Allows casting via calls to special cast functions. These functions are defined using @:to and @:from metadata. This kind of cast is allowed for all types.

The following code example shows an example of direct casting:

abstract MyAbstract(Int) from Int to Int {
  inline function new(i:Int) {
    this = i;

class Main {
  static public function main() {
    var a:MyAbstract = 12;
    var b:Int = a;

We declare MyAbstract as being from Int and to Int, appropriately meaning it can be assigned from Int and assigned to Int. This is shown in lines 9 and 10, where we first assign the Int 12 to variable a of type MyAbstract (this works due to the from Int declaration) and then that abstract back to variable b of type Int (this works due to the to Int declaration).

Class field casts have the same semantics, but are defined completely differently:

abstract MyAbstract(Int) {
  inline function new(i:Int) {
    this = i;

  static public function fromString(s:String) {
    return new MyAbstract(Std.parseInt(s));

  public function toArray() {
    return [this];

class Main {
  static public function main() {
    var a:MyAbstract = "3";
    var b:Array<Int> = a;
    trace(b); // [3]

By adding @:from to a static function, that function qualifies as an implicit cast function from its argument type to the abstract. These functions must return a value of the abstract type. They must also be declared static.

Similarly, adding @:to to a function qualifies it as implicit cast function from the abstract to its return type.

In the previous example, the method fromString allows the assignment of value "3" to variable a of type MyAbstract while the method toArray allows assigning that abstract to variable b of type Array<Int>.

When using this kind of cast, calls to the cast functions are inserted where required. This becomes obvious when looking at the JavaScript output:

var a = _ImplicitCastField.MyAbstract_Impl_.fromString("3");
var b = _ImplicitCastField.MyAbstract_Impl_.toArray(a);

This can be further optimized by inlining both cast functions, turning the output into the following:

var a = Std.parseInt("3");
var b = [a];

The selection algorithm when assigning a type A to a type B where at least one is an abstract is simple:

  1. If A is not an abstract, go to 3.
  2. If A defines a to-conversion that admits B, go to 6.
  3. If B is not an abstract, go to 5.
  4. If B defines a from-conversion that admits A, go to 6.
  5. Stop, unification fails.
  6. Stop, unification succeeds.

Figure: Selection algorithm flow chart.

By design, implicit casts are not transitive, as the following example shows:

abstract A(Int) {
  public function new()
    this = 0;

  @:to public function toB() return new B();

abstract B(Int) {
  public function new()
    this = 0;

  @:to public function toC() return new C();

abstract C(Int) {
  public function new()
    this = 0;

class Main {
  static public function main() {
    var a = new A();
    var b:B = a; // valid, uses A.toB
    var c:C = b; // valid, uses B.toC
    var c:C = a; // error, A should be C

While the individual casts from A to B and from B to C are allowed, a transitive cast from A to C is not. This is to avoid ambiguous cast paths and retain a simple selection algorithm.