12.12.4 Multireturns

Lua allows for multiple values to be returned from a given function. Haxe does not support this by default, but can allow extern definitions to reference multireturn values through the @:multiReturn metadata.

class Main {
    static function main() {
        var strfind = NativeString.find("foobar", "bar");

extern class NativeString {
    public static function find(str : String, target : String): StringFind;

@:multiReturn extern class StringFind {
    var begin : Int;
    var end : Int;

This example has three parts:

  • The extern class NativeString which is an extern for the base string library in Lua.
  • The StringFind class which is marked as @:multiReturn that describes the return values.
  • The Main class that invokes the string method as a basic example.

The multireturn behavior in Haxe is optimized based on usage. If fields are only accessed directly, the Haxe compiler will allocate the multireturn to individual variables. But, if you pass or assign the entire multireturn value, the compiler will wrap all values into a table object. This operation ensures that multireturn variable handling only carries as much overhead as needed.