Starting from Haxe 3.0, you can get the list of defined compiler metadata by running haxe --help-metas
Metadata | Arguments | Description | Platforms |
@:abi | Function ABI/calling convention. | cpp | |
@:abstract | Sets the underlying class implementation as abstract . | java, cs | |
@:access | <Target path> | Forces private access to package, type or field. See lf-access-control. | all |
@:allow | <Target path> | Allows private access from package, type or field. See lf-access-control. | all |
@:analyzer | Used to configure the static analyzer. | all | |
@:annotation | Annotation (@interface ) definitions on --java-lib imports will be annotated with this metadata. Has no effect on types compiled by Haxe. | java | |
@:arrayAccess | Allows array access on an abstract. See types-abstract-array-access. | all | |
@:cs.assemblyMeta | Used to declare a native C# assembly attribute | cs | |
@:cs.assemblyStrict | Used to declare a native C# assembly attribute; is type checked | cs | |
@:astSource | Filled by the compiler with the parsed expression of the field. | all | |
@:autoBuild | <Build macro call> | Extends @:build metadata to all extending and implementing classes. See macro-auto-build. | all |
@:bind | Override SWF class declaration. | flash | |
@:bitmap | <Bitmap file path> | Embeds given bitmap data into the class (must extend flash.display.BitmapData ). See target-flash-resources. | flash |
@:bridgeProperties | Creates native property bridges for all Haxe properties in this class. | cs | |
@:build | <Build macro call> | Builds a class, enum, or abstract from a macro. See macro-type-building. | all |
@:buildXml | Specify XML data to be injected into Build.xml . | cpp | |
@:bypassAccessor | Do not call property accessor method and access the field directly. See class-field-property. | all | |
@:callable | Abstract forwards call to its underlying type. | all | |
@:classCode | Used to inject platform-native code into a class. | java, cs | |
@:commutative | Declares an abstract operator as commutative. See types-abstract-operator-overloading. | all | |
@:const | Allows a type parameter to accept expression values. | all | |
@:coreApi | Identifies this class as a core API class (forces API check). | all | |
@:coreType | Identifies an abstract as core type so that it requires no implementation. See types-abstract-core-type. | all | |
@:cppFileCode | Code to be injected into generated cpp file. | cpp | |
@:cppInclude | File to be included in generated cpp file. | cpp | |
@:cppNamespaceCode | cpp | ||
@:cs.using | Add using directives to your module | cs | |
@:dce | Forces dead code elimination even when --dce full is not specified. See cr-dce. | all | |
@:debug | Forces debug information to be generated into the SWF even without --debug . | flash | |
@:decl | cpp | ||
@:delegate | Automatically added by --net-lib on delegates. | cs | |
@:depend | cpp | ||
@:deprecated | Mark a type or field as deprecated. | all | |
@:eager | Forces typedefs to be followed early. | all | |
@:enum | Defines finite value sets to abstract definitions. See types-abstract-enum. | all | |
@:event | Automatically added by --net-lib on events. Has no effect on types compiled by Haxe. | cs | |
@:expose | <name> | Includes the class or field in Haxe exports (default name is the classpath). See target-javascript-expose. | js, lua |
@:extern | Marks the field as extern so it is not generated. | all | |
@:file | <File path> | Includes a given binary file into the target SWF and associates it with the class (must extend flash.utils.ByteArray ). See target-flash-resources. | flash |
@:fileXml | Include a given XML attribute snippet in the Build.xml entry for the file. | cpp | |
@:final | Prevents a class or interface from being extended or a method from being overridden. Deprecated by the keyword final . See class-field-final. | all | |
@:fixed | Declares an anonymous object to have fixed fields. | all | | | flash | ||
@:font | <TTF path>, <Range String> | Embeds the given TrueType font into the class (must extend flash.text.Font ). See target-flash-resources. | all |
@:forward | <List of field names> | Forwards field access to underlying type. See types-abstract-forward. | all | | Forwards constructor call to underlying type. | all | |
@:forwardStatics | <List of field names> | Forwards static field access to underlying type. See types-abstract-forward. | all |
@:forward.variance | Forwards variance unification to underlying type. | all | |
@:from | Specifies that the field of the abstract is a cast operation from the type identified in the function. See types-abstract-implicit-casts. | all | |
@:functionCode | Used to inject platform-native code into a function. | cpp, java, cs | |
@:functionTailCode | cpp | ||
@:generic | Marks a class or class field as generic so each type parameter combination generates its own type/field. See type-system-generic. | all | |
@:genericBuild | Builds instances of a type using the specified macro. | all | |
@:genericClassPerMethod | Makes compiler generate separate class per generic static method specialization | all | |
@:getter | <Class field name> | Generates a native getter function on the given field. | flash |
@:hack | Allows extending classes marked as @:final . Not guaranteed to work on all targets. | all | |
@:headerClassCode | Code to be injected into the generated class, in the header. | cpp | |
@:headerCode | Code to be injected into the generated header file. | cpp | |
@:headerInclude | File to be included in generated header file. | cpp | |
@:headerNamespaceCode | cpp | ||
@:hlNative | Specifies hdll name and function prefix for native functions. | hl | |
@:hxGen | Annotates that an extern class was generated by Haxe. | java, cs | |
@:ifFeature | <Feature name> | Causes a field to be kept by DCE if the given feature is part of the compilation. See cr-dce. | all |
@:pythonImport | Generates python import statement for extern classes. | python | |
@:include | cpp | ||
@:inheritDoc | Append documentation from a parent field or class (if used without an argument) or from a specified class or field (if used like @:inheritDoc(pack.Some.field)). | all | |
@:inline | Inserted by the parser in case of inline expr and inline function . | all | |
@:internal | Generates the annotated field/class with 'internal' access. | java, cs | |
@:isVar | Forces a physical field to be generated for properties that otherwise would not require one. See class-field-property-rules. | all | |
@:javaCanonical | <Output type package>, <Output type name> | Used by the Java target to annotate the canonical path of the type. | java |
@:java.default | Equivalent to the default modifier of the Java language | java | |
@:jvm.synthetic | Mark generated class, field or method as synthetic | java | |
@:jsRequire | Generate JavaScript module require expression for given extern. See target-javascript-require. | js | |
@:luaRequire | Generate Lua module require expression for given extern. | lua | |
@:luaDotMethod | Indicates that the given extern type instance should have dot-style invocation for methods instead of colon. | lua | |
@:keep | Causes a field or type to be kept by DCE. See cr-dce. | all | |
@:keepInit | Causes a class to be kept by DCE even if all its field are removed. See cr-dce. | all | |
@:keepSub | Extends @:keep metadata to all implementing and extending classes. See cr-dce. | all | |
@:markup | Used as a result of inline XML parsing. See lf-markup. | all | |
@:macro | (deprecated) | all | |
@:mergeBlock | Merge the annotated block into the current scope. | all | |
@:multiReturn | Annotates an extern class as the result of multi-return function. See target-lua-multireturns. | lua | |
@:multiType | <Relevant type parameters> | Specifies that an abstract chooses its this-type from its @:to functions. | all |
@:native | <Output path> | Rewrites the path of a type or class field during generation. See lf-externs. | all |
@:java.native | Annotates that a function has implementation in native code through JNI. | java | |
@:nativeChildren | Annotates that all children from a type should be treated as if it were an extern definition - platform native. | java, cs | |
@:nativeGen | Annotates that a type should be treated as if it were an extern definition - platform native. | java, cs, python | |
@:nativeProperty | Use native properties which will execute even with dynamic usage. | cpp | |
@:nativeStaticExtension | Converts static function syntax into member call. | cpp | |
@:noCompletion | Prevents the compiler from suggesting completion on this field or type. See cr-completion. | all | |
@:noClosure | Prevents a method or all methods in a class from being used as a value. | all | |
@:noDebug | Does not generate debug information even if --debug is set. | flash, cpp | |
@:noDoc | Prevents a type or field from being included in documentation generation. | all | |
@:noImportGlobal | Prevents a static field from being imported with import Class.* . | all | |
@:nonVirtual | Declares function to be non-virtual in cpp. | cpp | |
@:noPrivateAccess | Disallow private access to anything for the annotated expression. | all | |
@:noStack | cpp | ||
@:notNull | Declares an abstract type as not accepting null values. See types-nullability. | all | |
@:noUsing | Prevents a field from being used with static extension. See lf-static-extension. | all | |
@:nullSafety | <Off | Loose | Strict | StrictThreaded> | Enables null safety for classes or fields. Disables null safety for classes, fields or expressions if provided with Off as an argument. See cr-null-safety. | all |
@:objc | Declares a class or interface that is used to interoperate with Objective-C code. | cpp | |
@:objcProtocol | Associates an interface with, or describes a function in, a native Objective-C protocol. | cpp | |
@:op | <The operation> | Declares an abstract field as being an operator overload. See types-abstract-operator-overloading. | all |
@:optional | Marks the field of a structure as optional. See types-nullability-optional-arguments. | all | |
@:overload | <Function specification (no expression)> | Allows the field to be called with different argument types. See target-javascript-external-libraries. | all |
@:persistent | Keeps the value of static variables in macro context across compilations. | eval | |
@:php.attribute | Adds a PHP attribute to the annotated symbol. Meta argument expects a string constant. E.g. @:php.attribute('\\my\\Attr(123)') will be generated as #[\my\Attr(123)] in the compiled php file. | php | |
@:phpGlobal | Indicates that static fields of an extern class actually are located in the global PHP namespace. | php | |
@:phpClassConst | Indicates that a static var of an extern class is a PHP class constant. | php | |
@:phpMagic | Treat annotated field as special PHP magic field - this meta makes compiler avoid renaming such fields on generating PHP code. | php | |
@:phpNoConstructor | Special meta for extern classes which do not have native constructor in PHP, but need a constructor in Haxe extern. | php | |
@:pos | <Position> | Sets the position of a reified expression. See macro-reification. | all |
@:publicFields | Forces all class fields of inheriting classes to be public. | all | |
@:private | Marks a class field as being private. | cs | |
@:privateAccess | Allow private access to anything for the annotated expression. | all | |
@:protected | Marks a class field as being protected. | cs, java, flash | |
@:property | Marks a field to be compiled as a native C# property. | cs | |
@:pure | Marks a class field, class or expression as pure (side-effect free). | all | |
@:readOnly | Generates a field with the readonly native keyword. | cs | |
@:remove | Causes an interface to be removed from all implementing classes before generation. | all | |
@:require | <Compiler flag to check> | Allows access to a field only if the specified compiler flag is set. See lf-condition-compilation. | all |
@:resolve | Abstract fields marked with this metadata can be used to resolve unknown fields. | all | |
@:rtti | Adds runtime type information. See cr-rtti. | all | |
@:runtimeValue | Marks an abstract as being a runtime value. | all | |
@:scalar | Used by hxcpp to mark a custom coreType abstract. | cpp | |
@:selfCall | Translates method calls into calling object directly. See target-javascript-external-libraries. | js, lua | |
@:semantics | <value | reference | variable> | The native semantics of the type. | all |
@:setter | <Class field name> | Generates a native setter function on the given field. | flash |
@:sound | <File path> | Includes a given .wav or .mp3 file into the target SWF and associates it with the class (must extend ). See target-flash-resources. | flash |
@:sourceFile | Source code filename for external class. | cpp | |
@:stackOnly | Instances of this type can only appear on the stack. | cpp | |
@:strict | Used to declare a native C# attribute or a native Java metadata; is type checked. | java, cs | |
@:struct | Marks a class definition as a struct. | cs, hl | |
@:structAccess | Marks an extern class as using struct access (. ) not pointer (-> ). | cpp | |
@:structInit | Allows one to initialize the class with a structure that matches constructor parameters. | all | |
@:suppressWarnings | Adds a SuppressWarnings annotation for the generated Java class. | java | |
@:templatedCall | Indicates that the first parameter of static call should be treated as a template argument. | cpp | |
@:throws | <Type as String> | Adds a throws declaration to the generated function. | java |
@:to | Specifies that the field of the abstract is a cast operation to the type identified in the function. See types-abstract-implicit-casts. | all | |
@:transient | Adds the transient flag to the class field. | java | |
@:transitive | Allows transitive casts with an abstract. | all | |
@:volatile | java, cs | ||
@:unifyMinDynamic | Allows a collection of types to unify to Dynamic . | all | |
@:unreflective | cpp | ||
@:unsafe | Declares a class, or a method with the C#'s unsafe flag. | cs | |
@:using | Automatically uses the argument types as static extensions for the annotated type. See lf-static-extension-metadata. | all | |
@:haxe.warning | Modifies warning options, equivalent to the -w CLI argument | all | |
@:void | Use Cpp native void return type. | cpp | |
@:nativeArrayAccess | When used on an extern class which implements haxe.ArrayAccess native array access syntax will be generated | cpp |