Starting from Haxe 3.0, you can get the list of supported compiler flags by running haxe --help-defines
Flag | Argument | Description | Platforms |
absolute-path | Print absolute file path in trace output. | all | |
advanced-telemetry | Allow the SWF to be measured with Monocle tool. | flash | |
analyzer-optimize | Perform advanced optimizations. | all | |
analyzer-times | <level: 0 | 1 | 2> | Record detailed timers for the analyzer | all |
annotate-source | Add additional comments to generated source code. | cpp | |
check-xml-proxy | Check the used fields of the XML proxy. | all | |
core-api | Defined in the core API context. | all | |
core-api-serialize | Mark some generated core API classes with the Serializable attribute on C#. | cs | |
cppia | Generate cpp instruction assembly. | all | |
cs-ver | <version> | The C# version to target. | cs |
nocppiaast | Use legacy cppia generation. | all | |
dce | <mode: std | full | no> | Set the dead code elimination mode. (default: std) See cr-dce. | all |
dce-debug | Show DCE log. See cr-dce. | all | |
debug | Activated when compiling with -debug. | all | |
disable-unicode-strings | Disable Unicode support in String type. | cpp | |
display | Activated during completion. See cr-completion. | all | |
display-stdin | Read the contents of a file specified in --display from standard input. | all | |
dll-export | GenCPP experimental linking. | cpp | |
dll-import | Handle Haxe-generated .NET DLL imports. | cs | |
doc-gen | Do not perform any removal/change in order to correctly generate documentation. | all | |
dump | <mode: pretty | record | position | legacy> | Dump typed AST in dump subdirectory using specified mode or non-prettified default. | all |
dump-path | <path> | Path to generate dumps to (default: "dump"). | all |
dump-dependencies | Dump the classes dependencies in a dump subdirectory. | all | |
dump-ignore-var-ids | Remove variable IDs from non-pretty dumps (helps with diff). | all | |
dynamic-interface-closures | Use slow path for interface closures to save space. | cpp | |
erase-generics | Erase generic classes on C#. | cs | |
eval-call-stack-depth | <depth> | Set maximum call stack depth for eval. (default: 1000) | eval |
eval-debugger | Support debugger in macro/interp mode. Allows host:port value to open a socket. Implies eval-stack. | eval | |
eval-print-depth | <depth> | Set maximum print depth (before replacing with '<...>') for eval. (default: 5) | eval |
eval-pretty-print | Enable indented output for eval printing. | eval | |
eval-stack | Record stack information in macro/interp mode. | eval | |
eval-times | Record per-method execution times in macro/interp mode. Implies eval-stack. | eval | |
filter-times | Record per-filter execution times upon --times. | all | |
fast-cast | Enables an experimental casts cleanup on C# and Java. | cs, java | |
fdb | Enable full flash debug infos for FDB interactive debugging. | flash | |
file-extension | Output filename extension for cpp source code. | cpp | |
flash-strict | More strict typing for flash target. | flash | |
flash-use-stage | Keep the SWF library initial stage. | flash | |
force-lib-check | Force the compiler to check --net-lib and --java-lib added classes (internal). | cs, java | |
force-native-property | Tag all properties with :nativeProperty metadata for 3.1 compatibility. | cpp | |
gencommon-debug | GenCommon internal. | cs, java | |
haxe3compat | Gives warnings about transition from Haxe 3.x to Haxe 4.0. | all | |
haxe-boot | Give the name 'haxe' to the flash boot class instead of a generated name. | flash | |
haxe-ver | The current Haxe version value as decimal number. E.g. 3.407 for 3.4.7. | all | |
haxe | The current Haxe version value in SemVer format. | all | |
haxe-next | Enable experimental features that are meant to be released on next Haxe version. | all | |
HAXE_OUTPUT_FILE | <name> | Force the full output name of the executable/library without library prefix and debug suffix. | cpp |
HAXE_OUTPUT_PART | <name> | Output name of the executable/library. (default: main class name) | cpp |
hl-ver | <version> | The HashLink version to target. (default: 1.10.0) | hl |
hxcpp-api-level | Provided to allow compatibility between hxcpp versions. | cpp | |
HXCPP-GC-GENERATIONAL | Experimental Garbage Collector. | cpp | |
HXCPP-DEBUGGER | Include additional information for hxcpp-debugger. | cpp | |
hxcpp-smart-strings | Use wide strings in hxcpp. (Turned on by default unless -D disable-unicode-strings is specified.) | cpp | |
include-prefix | Prepend path to generated include files. | cpp | |
interp | The code is compiled to be run with --interp . | all | |
jar-legacy-loader | Use the legacy loader to load .jar files on the JVM target. | java | |
java-ver | <version: 5-7> | Sets the Java version to be targeted. | java |
js-classic | Don't use a function wrapper and strict mode in JS output. | js | |
js-es | <version: 3 | 5 | 6> | Generate JS compliant with given ES standard version. (default: 5) See target-javascript-es6. | js |
js-enums-as-arrays | Generate enum representation as array instead of as object. | js | |
js_global | Customizes the global object name. | js | |
js-unflatten | Generate nested objects for packages and types. | js | |
js-source-map | Generate JavaScript source map even in non-debug mode. Deprecated in favor of -D source-map . | js | |
source-map | Generate source map for compiled files. | php, js | |
jvm | Generate jvm directly. | java | |
jvm.compression-level | Set the compression level of the generated file between 0 (no compression) and 9 (highest compression). Default: 6 | java | |
jvm.dynamic-level | Controls the amount of dynamic support code being generated. 0 = none, 1 = field read/write optimization (default), 2 = compile-time method closures | java | |
keep-old-output | Keep old source files in the output directory. | cs, java | |
loop-unroll-max-cost | <cost> | Maximum cost (number of expressions * iterations) before loop unrolling is canceled. (default: 250) | all |
lua-jit | Enable the jit compiler for lua (version 5.2 only). | lua | |
lua-vanilla | Generate code lacking compiled extern lib support (e.g. utf8). | lua | |
lua-ver | <version> | The lua version to target. | lua |
macro | Defined when code is compiled in the macro context. See macro. | all | |
macro-times | Display per-macro timing when used with --times . | all | |
net-ver | <version: 20-50> | Sets the .NET version to be targeted. | cs |
netcore-ver | <version: x.x.x> | Sets the .NET core version to be targeted | cs |
net-target | <name> | Sets the .NET target. netcore (.NET core), xbox , micro (Micro Framework), compact (Compact Framework) are some valid values. (default: net ) | cs |
neko-source | Output neko source instead of bytecode. | neko | |
neko-no-haxelib-paths | Disable hard-coded Haxelib ndll paths. | neko | |
neko-v1 | Keep Neko 1.x compatibility. | neko | |
network-sandbox | Use local network sandbox instead of local file access one. | flash | |
no-compilation | Disable final compilation. | cs, java, cpp, hl | |
no-debug | Remove all debug macros from cpp output. | all | |
no-deprecation-warnings | Do not warn if fields annotated with @:deprecated are used. | all | |
no-flash-override | Change overrides on some basic classes into HX suffixed methods | flash | |
no-opt | Disable optimizations. | all | |
no-inline | Disable inlining. See class-field-inline. | all | |
keep-inline-positions | Don't substitute positions of inlined expressions with the position of the place of inlining. See class-field-inline. | all | |
no-root | Generate top-level types into the haxe.root namespace. | cs | |
no-macro-cache | Disable macro context caching. | all | |
no-swf-compress | Disable SWF output compression. | flash | |
no-traces | Disable all trace calls. | all | |
objc | Sets the hxcpp output to Objective-C++ classes. Must be defined for interop. | cpp | |
old-error-format | Use Haxe 3.x zero-based column error messages instead of new one-based format. | all | |
php-prefix | <dot-separated namespace> | Root namespace for generated php classes. E.g. if compiled with-D php-prefix=some.sub , then all classes will be generated in \some\sub namespace. | php |
php-lib | <folder name> | Select the name for the php lib folder. | php |
php-front | <filename> | Select the name for the php front file. (default: index.php ) | php |
python-version | <version> | The python version to target. (default: 3.3) | python |
real-position | Disables Haxe source mapping when targetting C#, removes position comments in Java and Php output. | cs, java, php | |
replace-files | GenCommon internal. | cs, java | |
retain-untyped-meta | Prevents arbitrary expression metadata from being discarded upon typing. | all | |
scriptable | GenCPP internal. | cpp | |
shallow-expose | Expose types to surrounding scope of Haxe generated closure without writing to window object. | js | |
source-header | Print value as comment on top of generated files, use '' value to disable. | all | |
source-map-content | Include the Haxe sources as part of the JS source map. | js | |
static | Defined if the current target is static. | all | |
std-encoding-utf8 | Force utf8 encoding for stdin, stdout and stderr | java, cs, python | |
swc | Output a SWC instead of a SWF. | flash | |
swf-compress-level | <level: 1-9> | Set the amount of compression for the SWF output. | flash |
swf-debug-password | <password> | Set a password for debugging. | flash |
swf-direct-blit | Use hardware acceleration to blit graphics. | flash | |
swf-gpu | Use GPU compositing features when drawing graphics. | flash | |
swf-header | define SWF header (width:height:fps:color) | flash | |
swf-metadata | <file> | Include contents of the given file as metadata in the SWF. | flash |
swf-preloader-frame | Insert empty first frame in SWF. | flash | |
swf-protected | Compile Haxe private as protected in the SWF instead of public . | flash | |
swf-script-timeout | <time in seconds> | Maximum ActionScript processing time before script stuck dialog box displays. | flash |
swf-use-doabc | Use DoAbc SWF-tag instead of DoAbcDefine . | flash | |
sys | Defined for all system platforms. | all | |
unsafe | Allow unsafe code when targeting C#. | cs | |
use-nekoc | Use nekoc compiler instead of the internal one. | neko | |
utf16 | Defined for all platforms that use UTF-16 string encoding with UCS-2 API. | all | |
vcproj | GenCPP internal. | cpp | |
warn-var-shadowing | Warn about shadowing variable declarations. | all | |
no-tre | Disable tail recursion elimination. | all | |
message.reporting | <mode: classic | pretty | indent> | Select message reporting mode for compiler output. (default: classic) | all | | Disable ANSI color codes in message reporting. | all | |
message.log-file | Path to a text file to write message reporting to, in addition to regular output. | all | |
message.log-format | <format: classic | pretty | indent> | Select message reporting mode for message log file. (default: indent) | all |