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Explore our support plansThis is a Haxe 4 preview release for the Haxe Summit 2017 in Amsterdam.
As a preview release, it should not be considered stable and does, in fact, have some known issues. However, we appreciate anyone testing this version as it is going to ultimately help with the real Haxe 4 release. Please report issues at https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/haxe/issues.
New features:
General improvements and optimizations:
inside switch
inside loops (#4964)database
parameter of Mysql.connect
is now optionalRemovals:
@:enum abstract
generation without -dce full
property access (#6281)new MyClass()
expressions wrapped in a cast
(#6294)Standard Library:
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For getting started with Haxe, take a look at our introduction, read through the Haxe Manual or look at these use cases for Haxe, including tutorials and popular libraries:
API Documentation: Download the API documentation for this version as a ZIP file.