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On behalf of the Haxe Foundation, I am proud to announce that Haxe 3.2.0 is now officially released! It is available at https://haxe.org/download/version/3.2.0.
We spent a lot of time ironing out the bugs that were found in the release candidate. The following information is from that initial release.
This release introduces the new Python target which was developed by Heinz Hölzer and Dan Korostelev. As with any new target it should be considered to be in beta stage.
Another new feature is the static analyzer which can be activated by
compiling with -D analyzer
. It applies various optimizations such as
constant propagation and expression-level DCE which improves the quality
of the generated code on targets such as JavaScript. We plan to make
this a default setting in the future once the implementation has stabilized.
There are quite a few other new features, improvements and bugfixes, so make sure to check out the changelog. We addressed many issues that are present in Haxe 3.1.3!
Haxe 3.2.0 has a few breaking changes. While we try to avoid these in general, there are situations where that's not feasible. We have prepared an overview of the breaking changes at https://github.com/HaxeFoundation/haxe/wiki/Breaking-changes-in-Haxe-3.2.0.
Thank you for your support
New features:
General improvements and optimizations:
Macro features and changes:
Now that you've downloaded Haxe, you can get started with a specific platform. Click on a logo to learn how to set up the development environment and how to proceed from there:
For getting started with Haxe, take a look at our introduction, read through the Haxe Manual or look at these use cases for Haxe, including tutorials and popular libraries:
API Documentation: Download the API documentation for this version as a ZIP file.