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GameDev with Haxe and HaxeFlixel 3. Sprites

In this tutorial we start getting into 2D graphics by covering sprites. We have two examples, one of a procudurally generated graphic and the other loaded from an image file. The text version of this tutorial including the code is available at:

Date: 2017-03-27

Other videos in 'GameDev with Haxe and HaxeFlixel'

8. Sound and Music

8. Sound and Music

7. Sprite Animation

7. Sprite Animation

6. Cameras

6. Cameras

5. Mouse Input

5. Mouse Input

4. Keyboard Input

4. Keyboard Input

3. Sprites

3. Sprites

2. Hello World

2. Hello World

1. Getting Started

1. Getting Started

Haxe with Visual Studio Code

Haxe with Visual Studio Code