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The Nature of Haxe and OpenFL Prologue A - What is "The Nature of Code"?

So I'm starting another vlogtorial... thing...

This time I plan to go through the (FREE) Processing tutorial book called "The Nature of Code". Except, instead of using Java and Processing, I will use... Haxe and OpenFL, of course!

Nature of Code: http://natureofcode.com/

Music: http://ccmixter.org/files/VJ_Memes/33361
"Shananigans" by Jeris licensed under (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Date: 2014-07-31

Other videos in 'The Nature of Haxe and OpenFL'

Intro 04 - Normal Distributions

Intro 04 - Normal Distributions

Intro 03 - Non-Uniform Distribution

Intro 03 - Non-Uniform Distribution

The Intro 02 - Uniform Distribution

The Intro 02 - Uniform Distribution

Intro 01 - The Random Walker

Intro 01 - The Random Walker

Prologue H - "Processing-like" Setup

Prologue H - "Processing-like" Setup

Prologue G - Objects

Prologue G - Objects

Prologue F - Functions

Prologue F - Functions

Prologue E - Loops

Prologue E - Loops

Prologue D - If Statements

Prologue D - If Statements

Prologue C - Data Types

Prologue C - Data Types

Prologue B - Variables

Prologue B - Variables

Prologue A - What is "The Nature of Code"?

Prologue A - What is "The Nature of Code"?