Justin Donaldson's talk at the WWX2016 about the 10th Haxe's target: Lua
Talk description:
Lua is a language that can play many roles: A light-weight memory-safe scripting environment suitable for embedded devices, a speedy jit with a flexible C FFI for high performance web development, or even the language for a state of the art machine learning framework. However, as a scripting language Lua suffers from the same scalability problems that plague large dynamic language codebases.
Haxe's ability to effectively organize and compose projects makes Haxe/Lua projects an ideal approach for developing complex Lua applications. This talk will cover the basics of how the Haxe language maps to Lua internals, and cover some useful topics such as avoiding pitfalls, using helpful workarounds, and getting the most out of your next Haxe/Lua project.
The WWX is a 4 day conference about Haxe a high-level multi-platform open source programming language.The WWX2016 is organized by Silex Labs and sponsored by Haxe foundation, Mozilla, Gandi, Docler Holding, Secret Media and Keymetrics.
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Music from the intro:
I Dunno by Grapes is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.