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World Wide Haxe 2016 "hexMachina: urban framework for hardcore developers" by Francis Bourr

Here is the talk of Francis Bourre on HexMachina a powerfull multi-modular MVC framework written in Haxe.

Talk's description:
During the last decade, the web evolved a lot. Applications became rich, complex, smart, interactive... And, like their desktop grand sistas, they had to be more and more maintainable, scalable and flexible.

This talks is about code design, and building solutions with Haxe language to provide the right answers to maintain long life-cycle applications. Sources of inspiration are many. All the concepts and ideas grew up in the street, result of 15 years of experience, exploring many other languages and technologies, and last but not least, fighting in the browser's jungle with games, websites and applications development.

This presentation is targeted to every hardcore developer who wants to share some urban inspiration about code design, and have a first taste with the HexMachina framework.

Slides of the talk:

hexMachina website:

hexMachina showcase at WWX2016 by Francis Bourre:
The WWX is a 4 day conference about Haxe a high-level multi-platform open source programming language.The WWX2016 's organized by Silex Labs and sponsored by Haxe foundation, Mozilla, Docler Holding, Secret Media, Gandi and Keymetrics.

More WWX2016 video on

WWX2016 playlist on youtube:

Music from the intro:
I Dunno by Grapes is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.

Date: 2016-08-17

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