Posts by Mark Knol

Documentation and website maintainer

Haxe 3.4 is out - With lots of new Features

We made a big leap in this release and now we’d love to share some of the new features with you!

Article by Mark Knol on 2017-02-06.


Dox 1.1 released, our documentation tool

Our official documentation tool dox has been updated and released on haxelib. The release contains theme related updates and easier customization.

Article by Mark Knol on 2016-08-12.


The Haxe Code Cookbook

A new website with easy to read Haxe coding examples.

Article by Mark Knol on 2016-04-03.


Nicolas about Haxe #2 - Heaps

I this week's stream, Nicolas introduced his 2D/3D game framework Heaps, a platform agnostic game engine built with Haxe.

Article by Mark Knol on 2016-03-17.
